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Developmental Aspects of Movement and Posture Disorganization

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Postural and movement characteristics seen in children with postural disorganization are compensatory patterns that develop over time. The relationships between developmental experience and later observed characteristics seen in children with postural and movement disorganization are important to understand in order to fully appreciate the compensatory structure and function often observed in these children. These patterns result from inefficiency in organizing basic postural mechanisms and a mismatching of proprioceptive information from the visual, vestibular and cervical-somatic systems. Mismatches in the organization of the Visual-Vestibulo-Cervical Triad (VVC) can be the result of developmental factors of low postural tone including the musculature of the visual system, lack of experience in weight-bearing postures, inadequate development of rotation, and inefficient postural stability of the body and visual system. These developmental factors influence the development of structure, alignment, midline control, central stability and overall efficient sensorimotor performance.
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