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Early Baby Treatment 2

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This CEU program consists of 4 streaming videos and 3 PDF Viewing Guides. The information in this program is included in the longer seminar SEM27. Applicable to the birth to three population.

MQ3 The Importance of Body Image (22min.)

Presented by Mary B. Quinton, M.C.S.P., MBE. In this video, Mary B. Quinton explains her concept of body image and its development. She further explains the importance for each therapist to experience her own body image in order to perceive and understand it at a deeper level. The application of body image to the development of movement is discussed.

MQ58 Early Preparation of Hands and Feet and Preparation for Sitting in the Older Child (57 min.)

Presented by Mary B. Quinton, M.C.S.P., MBE. In this video, Mary B. Quinton demonstrates treatment for preparing the hands and feet for function, which involves the sensorimotor experiences of the movement control of the whole body in relation to gravity and of weight bearing. Further discussion involves the problem of tight hamstrings and pelvic immobility in the older child of 2-3 years. She demonstrates treatment procedures that facilitate improvement in sitting. Activities are demonstrated on a doll for clarity.

MQ7 Early Treatment and Parent Orientation (31 min.)

Presented by Mary B. Quinton, M.C.S.P., MBE. In this video, Mary B. Quinton discusses the nature of early treatment and the importance of helping the parent to integrate treatment in daily life. "By winning the baby one can usually win the parents."

MQTX2Treatment Demonstration with a 1 Year Old (32 min.)

Presented by Mary B. Quinton, M.C.S.P., MBE. This video demonstrates the application of baby treatment concepts and techhniques with a 1 year old infant.

Handouts are included in PDF File Format.
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