This CEU program consists of four streaming videos. Some of the information in this program (S5 and S6) is included in the longer seminar SEM10A.
HD2 Effective Head-Neck Treatment for Improved Oral-Motor Function (51min.) by Christine A. Nelson, Ph.D., OTR, NDT Coordinator Instructor.
This video emphasizes evaluative treatment intervention for a variety of patients with specific neuromotor difficulties. Normal head-neck motion is demonstrated with an adult model. Normal development factors are discussed and treatment sequences demonstrated.
S5 Oral-Motor Assessment for Pediatric Feeding Disorders (32 min.) by Merry M. Meek, M.S., CCC-SLP, Advanced NDT Speech Instructor.
This video presents an assessment protocol for determining oral-motor dysfunction in school-aged children. Postural tone of the face, alignment and graded motor control of the cheeks, lips, tongue, and jaw with respiratory support.
S6 Treating Oral-Motor Problems in Children (50 min.) by Merry M. Meek, M.S., CCC-SLP, Advanced NDT Speech Instructor.
This video details preparation techniques and treatment approaches to achieve facial tolerance for stimulation and improve functional chewing and swallowing. Preparing the Oral-motor musculature, facilitating oral-motor organization and general treatment strategies are presented.
F1 Effective Intervention for Self-Feeding Success (40 min.) by Christine A. Nelson, Ph.D., OTR, FAOTA NDT Coordinator Instructor
Step-by-step reverse chaining method for introducing self-feeding and developing independent self-feeding behaviors.
There are no Handouts included for this course.